All You Need To Know ‘How Much Does A Motorcycle Weigh?

Motorcycles have become one of the common means of transport today. They are fast and unlike cars, can take you anywhere within time; they are therefore very convenient to use. However, there is this important aspect of them, we tend to ignore every day. The majority of those people, who ride a motorcycle, do not know ‘how much does a motorcycle weigh’.

How Much Does A Motorcycle Weigh

As a fact, a motorbike is one of the common means of transportation we have, but also one of the common causes of deaths and injuries on our roads today.

The secret is, if you do not understand its weight, you’ll probably not understand what it entails when it comes to managing it on the road. With this post, we’ll dispel the misconceptions and myths that people have about the weight of the motorcycle, and add you a few revelations you should know in general about this product.

Relax, have a cup of your favorite drink, and feel free to share, like or comment when you’re done. After reading this post, you won’t be troubled when asked ‘how much does a motorcycle weigh’.

The Different Types Of Motorcycles Have Different Weight

First, let’s step back a little and revisit the weights of a few known motorcycles, before picking on the general weight. You should know that motorbikes are made for certain specific functions and so they are in different types and models. There are those that are made for sporting, for long distance and those that are fit for shorter distance use.

For long distance use, you might choose a cruiser; examples might be Harley-Davidson or Victory. For shorter distance, you might choose sporty motorbikes such as Honda CBR models, Yamaha R1 or R6, Ducati Panigale and the likes. Lastly, for riding off-road choose the Dual sport.

However, the secret is, all these types and many others, have been made to fit into their environment, by considering things like weights. The lightest sports bike would weigh 304 pounds and its pre-2008 Kawasaki. That is when weighed while dry. However, it can go to 330 pounds on road or wet. When it comes to street legal bikes, the lightest is Yamaha XT225, and weighs around 238 pounds, while dry.

Most sports bikes are able to hold up to 600cc, meaning they are heavier, and perhaps, that is why they are fast and stable. More light cruisers are able to hold 250cc, and so they are only designed to carry lightweight, and as a result, they are easy to manage. The only thing to understand is, they are slower than Ninja; however, they can perfectly get you speeding tickets on your freeway.

In all the motorcycle models, the Harley-Davidson seems to be the heaviest. This super flow ships weighing 540 pounds from the factory while the Softail Heritage ships at around 730pounds. This confirms the earlier said the fact that motorcycles weight according to the types and models. Averagely, a motorbike weighs between 200 to 700 pounds, with variations to things such as dry and wet weights put in place.

The Main Parts That Affect The Bike’s Weight

Manufacturers understand that customers usually look at the wheels before checking other things. The motorcycle wheel-realms are heavy, just made to attract customers. Plus, the engine is also heavy, battery and bars. These are some of the main parts that affect the motorbike’s weight.

How Hard Is It To Ride A Motorcycle?

The truth is, with the above-mentioned weights in place, it is confirmed to be very hard to ride a motorcycle, especially the ones that are heaviest. Apart from the differences that are majored on the personalities, things such as weight can as well make it harder for beginners to master the motorcycle riding techniques. The secret does not lie on how to ignite or observe the traffic rules, but the general ability to manage it.

A heavier motorcycle will always have a powerful engine, meaning it can go very fast from zero to sixty and above; and before you even know it, you’re losing its control. The worst part is, it does not have seat belts.

They come with a helmet that might even scare you more if you are putting on for the first time. That means it always includes an element of danger; unfortunately, there is no other way around that.

It’s good to know that motorbikes that are lightweight can be managed easily, as their engine is not very powerful. It can support it well, and so you won’t struggle to try to control it; however, this is a different story with heavy motorcycles.

For heavy ones, everything is challenging, beginning with how to handle it in the first place, to master and have control of the gears and most importantly, the required technique of handling the clutch. It’s hard; you need experts to teach you, and also encourage you, and counsel you where necessary.

How To Lose Weight Of A Motorcycle

Even though weight in motorcycles is one of the important features that manufacturers usually put into consideration while making, you are allowed to adjust it, just to make it fit your preference. Moreover, since such things do not need an expert, you might opt to consider the do-it-myself option.

In case you do not understand anything to do with motorbike weight, read on, I uncover some important facts to consider while down weighing your bike.

Be ready to spend a little money just in case there is a need. Of course, it makes great sense to use a little money swapping the bike’s components with the aim of reducing its weight. Check the frame first; here, you can use a loop, instead of the chopped rear part of the frame, remove the do without battery mounts, the helmet holders, the chain guard, and center stand mounts.

Check the body section too. Here, consider seat and tail parts, and replace them with the fiberglass tail and the seat combo; and also you can remove both the rear and front fenders.

On the electronic sections, you can easily remove the battery and fully replace it with capacitors, and the add Hondaman ignition unit plus a custom wiring harness, which counts for almost 30 percent of the current wiring.

You can as well reduce the stock wheel-sets and replace it with the prebuilt or custom build wheel system; they are lighter than the stock wheels.

How To Pick Up A Dropped Or Fallen Motorcycle

Listen, the gist is, a motorcycle is heavy, and therefore it requires the riders to understand how to pick them up when they fall. I know you can’t imagine falling with your motorcycle, however, at least you should know how to pick it up, even if it falls by itself. It’s a two-wheeled motor, therefore expected anything and be equipped for it. If you never knew how to do it, here is the process on how to go about it;

The first step is to ensure your motorbike is turned off, put the bike on gear where possible (to avoid it from rolling around), and ensure if your bike is carbureted, it is not in any way delivering fuel. Stand facing off the bike, while your right hand holding the bars, and the left on pillion grab rail or something. The exchange of hands can take place according to the direction of the fall.

The bars should be made close to the tank. Then push upwards and backward at the same time. Bent your knees, then steadily straighten them, and this will push the bike to stand up position. Remember, you will be moving backward as the bike straightens up. Do this until when the bike rests on its own. This information should direct you well on how to pick up a fallen motorcycle without being hurt.

And below is a video with some tips on handling this procedure

Final Verdict

Motorcycles have weights. Therefore, before purchasing one, go for that which has weights that meet your intended use. Feel free to visit the internet, and type the word how much does a motorcycle weigh, just to start your search. With the boom of information on the internet, you’ll always get the right product; cheers!

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